Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Cable in July!

Cable continues to build her confidence and foundational skills with Heather at RuffSport.  Most service dogs begin the task training for their specific service dog job when they are about 14 - 18 months old so she has about 7 more months of basic training to prepare for that next step. During this time, Cable will be socialized with other dogs and exposed to a variety of places, textures and sounds, along with basic obedience training.   

Currently we have enough funds in Cable's Go Fund Me account to last 4 more months, until the end of October, 2021. 

Please let your friends, family and any other dog-lovers in your lives know about our campaign to have Cable trained as a seizure-response dog, and we will keep you apprised of upcoming events to help raise funds. 

Today we will catch up on photos from this month!  Enjoy.

Learning to get along and to ignore other dogs, so she won't be distracted while working

And you MAY have noticed that John and I got a new dog this month! Galaxy joined Kira and Cable for a Golden Day of training at RuffSport with Heather!
                  Amanda               Melodie      Kira       Cable           Galaxy                     John

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Keep the Momentum Going!

 One year ago today we had raised enough money to sponsor Cable's training for 2 months. Now we have enough to continue her training for a full year!! Thank you so much!

Cable continues to learn and grow. She was working and learning right through Canada Day! Check out her photos below!!

We will continue to work on raising the remainder of the funds needed to complete Cable's training as a seizure-response dog.
Several raffles are in the works for November, and a follow-up "Walking for Woofs" in October. We can't wait!
Please continue to spread the word by sharing our page


and our blog https://cablescalling.blogspot.com/

Let's keep the momentum going. Our Go Fund Me : https://bit.ly/3fvYtxd hit over $14,000 in one year. Let's double that by next July and help this puppy get the training she needs to help Amanda.

Winter Happenings with Cable

 Cable had a busy fall and Christmas and is working hard with Brooke Nishio of T.E.A.M. Canines to complete her service dog training.  Here ...