Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Updates on Cable

 Amanda, Heather, Mary and Cable continue to train and practice in public venues.   Tomorrow they will visit a restaurant again, to acclimatize Cable to a busy place with lots of distractions to see and smell.  Cable will be expected to ignore the distractions and remain calmly out of the way, able to see her handler and pay attention to any signs that she is needed.  This is a big job and takes lots of patience, practice and repetition.

Cable and Kira at Ruffsport.

Cable and Luna at Ruffsport.
Cable takes her learning very seriously.

Here are some photos of what Kira, Cable and Mandy have been up to!

Cable is learning to walk and attend to Mandy.

Kira still has a playful spirit, but she is tired and ready to retire.  

Learning to squeeze into tight areas.

Poor Kira had a hematoma on her ear last week and had an unexpected trip to the vet. She is doing well on antibiotics and will revisit Animal Hospital of Oak Ridges later this week.

Amanda, Kira and Cable thank you for your continued support!

Winter Happenings with Cable

 Cable had a busy fall and Christmas and is working hard with Brooke Nishio of T.E.A.M. Canines to complete her service dog training.  Here ...